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If you suffer from migraine headaches, The TMJ Sleep Center can help you find relief from this awful affliction. In addition to treating patients for migraines, we offer free consultations, free estimates, and a free patient consumer guide.
A throbbing, pulsating headache on one side of your head is the most prominent sign of a migraine, which is a common neurological condition. Physical activity, lights, sounds, or odors will probably make your migraine worse. It takes at least four hours, or maybe days, to get through it. This genetic condition affects about 12% of Americans. According to research, it is the sixth most incapacitating disease in the world.
There are risk factors that could increase your susceptibility to migraines, and it can be impossible to predict who will experience them and who won’t. Up to 80% of persons who suffer from migraines have a first-degree relative who also has the condition.
Gender also plays a role. In particular, women between the ages of 15 and 55 are more likely than men to experience migraine headaches – probably because of the impact of hormones.
Tension levels play a role in migraines. When you’re under a lot of stress, migraines may occur more frequently. Smoking may also be a factor among those who suffer migraine headaches.
Call for an appointment or visit us today. Walk-ins are welcome, and we work with all insurance companies regarding coverage of your treatments.
Headaches are a migraine’s main symptom. Sometimes people describe the pain as hammering or throbbing. It can start as a dull ache and progress to pulsing pain that is mild, moderate, or severe. Your headache discomfort will increase in intensity if you don’t get treatment. The front, the back, or the entire head may be affected by pain, which can move from one side of the head to the other. Some persons have pain in the area around their eye or temple, as well as occasionally in the face, sinuses, jaw, or neck.
In addition, migraines may cause:
Although severe headaches might persist much longer, the average migraine lasts four hours.
Chronic migraines are common. They can be managed and perhaps even improved upon, but they cannot be healed. Medication-based treatments often fall into one of two categories: abortive or preventative. Let us help you find the right treatment for your migraines
It can be impossible to work, attend school, or engage in other daily activities due to debilitating migraine headaches. Fortunately, there are a few techniques to possibly avoid a migraine as well as other strategies to assist you in controlling the headache and surviving the symptoms.
Patients with headache pain of all intensities are treated here. No matter what type of headache you are experiencing, our TMJ pain doctor is here to support you in managing your symptoms and advancing toward greater health. You will find the whole range of care, from the best migraine therapy to the greatest lifestyle habits for better health, including the initial diagnosis, a specific treatment plan, and regular follow-up visits.
Our doctor will inquire about your headache history during the headache evaluation, including:
Some unlucky patients have both migraine headaches and tension headaches. We call them combination headaches. The NTI-TSS dental appliance is the only FDA-cleared non-drug or non-surgical method to prevent migraine headaches. The NTI is to be used to prevent medically diagnosed migraine pain and migraine-associated tension-type headaches by reducing their signs and symptoms through reduction of trigeminally innervated muscular activity and for the prevention of bruxism and TMJ syndrome.
Headache is the most common symptom of the patients seen at our clinic. Of those patients with headaches, one specific type is migraine headaches. A study conducted for FDA registration reported migraine patients experienced a 77% reduction in the number of migraine headaches within eight weeks of initiating NTI treatment. Patients also reported a substantial reduction in medications needed for treating their migraine pain.
Migraine headaches are diagnosed by and usually treated by medical doctors. Recently, treatment has been made available to those suffering from migraine’s disabling pain. Years of research and development have gone into the device registered and approved by the FDA for the prophylactic prevention of migraine headaches. Your medical doctor can identify this preventative device as FDA 510(k) #K10876. We simply refer to the treatment and device as an NTI.
NTI is the acronym for nociceptive trigeminal inhibition, which prevents the trigeminal migraine nerve signal transmission to prevent migraine pain. This treatment prevents muscle contraction of all muscles innervated by the trigeminal nerve. This naturally occurring inhibition reflex prevents the powerful temporalis muscles from contracting with full force while the patient is wearing the device, which is recommended during sleep and stressful times.
Get a Free Migraine Headache Consultation With an Expert
Call today!
(208) 242-3935
“With the help of The TMJ Sleep Center, I have fewer headaches related to my jaw pain every week. At first, the mouth guard that was created for me was a bit obtrusive, but after a couple of weeks I began to notice a difference in how my jaw is working.”
- Neil G.
Located at 1777 E Clark St, Pocatello, ID, We specialize in the treatment of TMJ disorders, migraine headaches, and sleep apnea treatments. Work with all insurance. Complimentary consultations. Walk-ins welcome. Call today for an appointment or visit us.
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